Sledge (Luge)
Marion wil nog een keer sleeën op de berg waar ze als kind vaak speelde. Samen met haar broer gaat ze de bergen in op zoek naar de plek uit haar herinnering.
Sledge is door de CineSud jongerenjury uitgeroepen tot beste film van het Dutch Mountain Film Festival #11. Hier is hun juryrapport:
‘Sledge is a short animated film that takes you on a small adventure in the French mountains. It’s unique art-style knows how to capture your attention within the first shot. And after that first shot you get treated to a small and intimate story about nostalgia, friendship and recapturing that spirit of youth. The way how it tells it’s story is perfect, it’s done with a small conversation between brother and sister on their way to the mountain top. On their journey their you feel like you get to know them, what they want in life and why it’s so important to sledge down the mountain. At the end of the day sledge knows how to hit the right notes and show you how fun and beautiful a walk in nature can be.’