In the Georgian mountains, there is a cable car that links a mountain village with a small town in the valley. After the death of her predecessor, Iva became operator and is now responsible for running the lift. When one cable car leaves the valley, the other departs from the mountain. Every half an hour, halfway through the ride, the gondolas meet each other on the way to the other side.
This is precisely the moment at which Iva meets Nino, the operator of the other gondola. In the beginning, they exchanged a casual greeting, but over time, they developed a bond that went further than a passing glance. This new film by German director Veit Helmer (known for ABSURDISTAN, THE BRA – IL REGGIPETTO) has the form of a surrealistic fairy tale without any dialogue.
The cable-car in Valkenburg is the perfect location to screen this feelgood movie, which has Tim Burton-ish elements and an eye for detail.