Am Limit
Alexander and Thomas Huber are familiar names in the climbing world. Filmmaker Pepe Danquart followed the two brothers on their climbing expeditions. How he was able to portray this had never been shown before in 2007. The brothers and the cameraman push the limits of the possible in an attempt to climb the Nose, the 1,000-meter high face of El Capitan in the Yosemite National Park (US) in record time: 2.5 hours instead of 3 days!
The Huber Buam (local dialect for the Huber brothers) grew up in the mountains and are still active today in mountaineering and climbing. The brothers go to extremes to win over their fear and to take on new challenges. In ‘Am Limit’ they seek out their own limits.
Am Limit was the final film in a sports trilogy shot by the successful German film director Pepe Danquart. The trilogy seems at first sight to be about sport (ice hockey, cycling and climbing), but also tells the stories of the athletes. Am Limit won the Bavarian Film Prize for the best documentary.
This film will be shown on Friday 5 November at 17:00h in one free-access block together with Running Free at the Aurora flat in Heerlen.
On Sunday 7 November it will be shown in Apollo Kino, Aachen.