Summit 2 Summit ride
By: Joep, Petra and Ruud
When: Sunday 10 November 9 am
Cycle ride between the highest points in the Netherlands and Belgium
Why not join us on the Summit 2 Summit ride? The S2S is not just any old ride. In addition to the sporting challenge, quite possibly in harsh weather conditions, the ride is largely symbolic. After all, the cycle route starts from the highest cinema in the Netherlands, crosses an international border at Vaalserberg (322 m) the highest point in the Netherlands and continies to Mont Rigi (694 m) the highest point in Belgium, and then back again!
The ride leaves from the highest cinema in the Netherlands (Royal Theater Heerlen), and goes via the Vaalserberg (highest point in the Netherlands), to the Wesertalsperre (highest dam in Belgium) and thence to Mont Rigi (highest point in Belgium). It then returns across the border into the Netherlands, back to the Royal Theater where riders can finally relax with a beer at the DMFF Awards Show.
New this year is that you can choose betweeen three rides: two different distances for racing bikes and another for gravel bikes.
About the Summit to Summit ride
Traditionally, a group of enthusiastic cyclists takes part in the ride, held to coincide with the Dutch Mountain Film Festival. Fancy stretching your legs and enjoying an exhilarating ride in between all that pop corn? Why not join us on this epic ride?
Note: The route is not waymarked. All participants ride under their own steam, but our support team can help with a flat tyre.
Sunday 10 November 2024
- Coffee and tea will be served at around 9 am when stamping cards will be issued.
- At 9.30 the cow bell will be rung to mark the official start
- A team of DMFF volunteers will be waiting for participants with hot chocolate, caviar and pickles at the Wesertalsperre (dam) near Eupen at between 11 am and 1 pm.
- A nice refreshing beer awaits on your return to the Royal Theater in Heerlen at the end of the afternoon.
- All summit-to-summit riders will receive free tickets for the DMFF Awards Show, including the screening of A Shepherd.
The rides:
- 95 km ride for racing bikes – approx. 1,200 m height difference.
- 140 Km ride for racing bikes – approx. 1,600 m height difference.
- 100 Km ride for gravel bikes – approx. 1,200 m height difference.
- There will be a maximum of 50 participants
Recommended gear:
- Road bike / gravel bike and helmet
- Own food and drink
- Tool kit and spare tyre/puncture plug
Registration / information:
- If you would like to take part send an email to Joep at with the subject line: S2S registration
- Registration confirms that you have taken cognisance of the terms and conditions of entry (in Dutch).
- You will be sent a GPX of the route by email at least one week before the ride.
Support the support team!
It has become a tradition for our support team to provide you with sweets, bananas and other refreshments during the S2S ride. For free? Yes, absolutely! That’s just not possible? Well, of course it isn’t!
For that reason we are asking you to upgrade to being a S2S Supporter/Premium rider by supporting our support team by way of a small financial contribution.
I would like to become a S2S Supporter